Product leaks are probably the most common complaint we hear about from our customers. We know that having to deal with leaks can be incredibly frustrating, and you should be able to live your life feeling confident and not worried about uncomfortable or embarrassing leaks. Most of the time, leaks can be avoided or resolved by switching to a higher absorbency or better fitting incontinence product.
That said, there are some unique circumstances where leaks are caused by the way a product is being used or applied.
Below are questions we are frequently asked by our customers regarding their product leaks and detailed explanations as to why these leaks may be occurring. As always, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our Healthwick team if you have any questions or need some help.
Adding an incontinence pad to an adult diaper or pull-up underwear product will not add extra absorbency. Incontinence pads have a plastic backing to prevent leaks when worn with your regular underwear. If you put an incontinence pad inside a brief or absorbent underwear, the pad’s plastic backing will block liquid from absorbing into the host product.
If you need to add extra absorbency to your current product, you should be using booster pads. Booster pads have a unique flow through design that allows liquid to be absorbed into the host product once it reaches maximum capacity. Click here to shop for booster pads. To watch a video explaining the difference between booster pads and incontinence pads, click here.
Adult diapers and absorbent underwear, like incontinence pads, have a plastic or cloth-like backing that is waterproof. Wearing more than one adult diaper at a time will not increase absorbency. When the first diaper that is directly touching your skin is full, additional liquid will be unable to pass through into the additional diaper due to the waterproof backing rendering the second diaper useless and causing leaks.
As mentioned above, if you’re looking to increase the absorbency level of a brief or underwear product, you should be using booster pads. Booster pads are available in a variety of sizes, shapes and absorbencies to suit different needs. Click here to shop for booster pads, and to watch a video explaining the difference between booster pads and incontinence pads, please click here.
Unlike adult diapers which have tapes to adjust the fit, absorbent underwear have an elastic waistband. Choosing the right sized absorbent underwear is important to avoid leaks. A product that is too large will not allow the leg elastics and guards to be tight enough, causing leaks.
Adult diapers have leg guards to protect against leaks. If these leg guards aren't properly activated, you're more likely to experience leaks. Ensuring you are correctly putting on the product will make sure that the leak guards are being activated. Click here for instructions on how to properly put on an adult diaper.
If you’re experiencing leaks from the leg holes of an absorbent underwear product, you should try sizing down. Remember that many Healthwick products are available as free samples so you can try different sizes to figure out what works best for you. Click here to learn more about how to prevent product leaks.
Vaseline is a non-porous product. This means that it is essentially waterproof and blocks moisture from crossing through it. If you’re currently applying Vaseline to your perineal area before putting on your adult diaper or underwear; STOP. The Vaseline you apply is easily transferred from your body to your incontinence product, which creates a barrier inside. This barrier prevents urine from being absorbed into your incontinence products, causing leakage and trapping the moisture against your skin.
If you’re in need of a product to soothe your skin from irritation, we recommend you use a specially formulated incontinence cream or wash. These uniquely designed creams and cleansers will help to keep your skin healthy and won’t block liquid from being absorbed into your adult diaper, underwear or pad.
While many adult incontinence products provide timelines for wear, these are only meant to be general guidelines. Just because a product says “up to 8 hours” doesn’t mean that you should necessarily be wearing it for 8 hours straight. If you find you are constantly leaking with the product you are wearing, you should try a higher absorbency product or add a booster pad for extra capacity. Also, absorbencies do vary between sizes, and everyone’s needs are different and unique.
Leaks may also occur if the product is being put on or worn incorrectly. Click here to view our How to Put On an Adult Diaper guide. You should also try to change your incontinence product once it is soiled. This will help to prevent leaks and also promote better skin health.
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Ellie R.
I used to have leaks too, then I started wearing Northshore MegaMax diapers with boosters and a cloth diaper w/plastic diaper cover on top.
I went to the cloth diapers with a plastic on top
Then the plastic over pants,
No leeks, the diaper pin was different,
I went to the cloth diapers with a plastic on top
Then the plastic over pants,
No leeks, the diaper pin was different,
Doug Swan
Some of the statements are true. My current method is two tranquility booster pads inside a mens XML mens pull-ups it is bulky expensive and usually contains the urine for ten hours
I am discussed that no company seems to have a more reasonable solution
Why does my overnight incontinent underwear leak from the top back